Rabu, 29 April 2015

Opinion Gajdet Development for Children

    Advances in technology today can not be separated from public life. Various information is happening in various parts of the world can now be instantly we know thanks to advances in technology (globalization). Due to the rapid access to information on various parts of the world make this world as increasingly narrow because we can see what is happening in another country of residence, even though we were in Indonesia. Of these technological advances led to changes that are so large in the life of mankind in all civilizations and cultures. Advances in technology such as television, telephone and mobile phone (HP), even the Internet is not only plagued urban communities, but also can be enjoyed by people in outlying villages. As a result, all the valuable information both positive and negative, can be easily accessed by the public. And recognized or not, slowly began to change their lifestyle and mindset of society, especially rural communities with all the image that characterizes them.

The impact of technological advances such as gadjet felt not only by adults, but also felt by the child. Now nearly 75% of primary school children already have an android, and most of them have also been adept at using computers and accessing internet. Not only access information that they do but can cause do negative things like playing games too often, open violence or indecent video to open the adult sites. This can cause moral damage in the future, should the children early age it in of study and must be monitored so as not to deviate parents in good insight . Should parents impose limits in using gadjet to children and even better if parents prefer to give books instead of buying gadjet knowledge to children and their parents should also teach values culture to children since early. Possible gadjet developments can we take very positively if we were to start with a positive action as well.

Nama : Herdian Perdana
NPM  : 23212417
Kelas  : 3EB12

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